Thursday, January 11

goodbye, chiqui

First, Justine withdraws, now this. My beloved Chiqui got hit by, er, several cars early this afternoon. Poor thing. I can't be sure, but she's probably in the early stages of pregnancy, as she had recently been in heat (for the first time!) last week.

*sigh* This year isn't starting so good. (Care to check that, Grammar Police?)


Anonymous said...

pau-sau! pau-sau! this is your ate eva. how are you? i read about chiqui, sorry to hear about it. but i hope she's in heaven for pets. you take care, okay? :)

pau said...

hi, ate eva! i'm still on grieve mode, but i'll be okay. i still have chiqui's brother, so i have to be strong (cue dramatic music). hehe. thanks for dropping by. you take care, too. :)

andiepoo said...

Several cars?! Dear lord. I'm sorry. T_T

pau said...

they told me she was already dead after the first car hit her, so she wouldn't have felt the next two (or was it three?). all the same, i imagine it was a painful death. *sniff*

pau said...
