My hormones are raging again. My temper’s been flaring for the past few hours. I swear… “All worked up and no one to choke.” How apt.
I asked Nanay if she could suggest a doctor (or a psychologist) I could see for my unholy bouts of PMS (that’s premenstrual symptoms and not premarital sex, pervert). She looked at me doubtfully and told me I should just learn to control my temper, hormones be damned. Jeez. Why can’t she understand? Didn’t she go through the same thing in her younger years? Gahd, the joys of menopause.
PMS is already recognized in the medical field, right? I found an ad for a patch intended for easing PMS in a women’s magazine, circa 1990s. But I think I have less of the physical symptoms (extreme cramps, etc) and more of the emotional/psychological. There’s gotta be something in the market I could take or apply or whatever to stabilize my mood swings. I’m becoming more and more of an ogre as each month passes. No Logynon, please. That OC never fails to give me a pimple every month. As in one single huge zit on my T-zone. It’s so damn obvious.
Maybe I should learn yoga. Or kickboxing. Or buy truckloads of stress balls I could obliterate to oblivion whenever I feel like strangling everybody within five feet of me.
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